Copyright © 1995-2024 Michael P. Murray & Mike's Clock Clinic Mike Murray Memberships: NAWCC P. O. Box 562 1151 D Street Fossil, OR 97830-0562 The P.O. Box is for the USPS only and should be removed for all other carriers. Here's a summary and all details are below. In essence I offer 3 levels of service and the rotor has a 2-year warranty: 1) Rotor rebuilding only; $170.00 when you remove and install the rebuilt rotor. All rotor only service requires prepayment made out to Mike Murray, unless you don't mind waiting a year. 2) You sending in the clock and I rebuild the rotor and do the removing and the installation $375.00. This is by far the most frequent service performed. B-3 rotor rebuilding $150.00 (A 2-year warranty) Labor for cleaning movement $150.00 (No warranty because it is cleaned and not overhauled) Shipping via UPS ground $75.00 Total $375.00 3) You send in the clock and I rebuild both the rotor and movement where everything has a 2-year warranty except the coil, which is tested and normally does not need to be replaced and costs $925.00. B-3 rotor rebuilding $150.00 (A 2-year warranty) Overhauling the movement $700.00 (A 2-year warranty) Shipping via UPS ground $75.00 Total $925.00 The rotor only takes 6 to 8 weeks and the # 2 and 3 above take 8 to 12 months and before you ask it is a function of how much work awaits me in the Clinic and the effort they require. I do my best to ascertain whether or not you need a movement overhaul upon initial examination. If I feel it does need to be overhauled, I contact you in case you want it returned with nothing being done. I charge $100.00 for my time and whatever the shipping happens to be either $50.00 or $75.00 depending on the size of your case.Please do NOT call or E-mail unless you have read this entire Web page
E-mail address: (Preferred contact method) My main Web site is located at Main FTP site is located at, G.E., Herschede, and Revere chiming clock and tall case electric clocks. Assuming that you send the entire chiming clock (I do NOT accept entire Grandfather or Grandmother clock cases) and it only needs rotor service then the costs are $375.00, which is $150.00 for the rotor service and $150.00 for labor and $75.00 for shipping. The rotor rebuilding or replacement takes care of the clock's problems about 80% of the time. Shipping for an individual rotor or coil or together is the same $20.00. Complete rotor rebuilding information is located at: If your Telechron, Revere, Herschede or G.E. is a chimer, meaning that it does chime each quarter hour and strikes the hour, then it would take a "B-3" rotor. This includes Grandfather and Grandmother and many mantel clocks. Rebuilding your "B-3" rotor costs $150.00. Unfortunately many old Telechron, Revere, Herschede and G.E. chiming electric clock have had the rotor replaced prior and therefore will not contain original parts. I can restore to originality or can repair what is currently there, your choice. Another problem area is the coil. In all cases the clock has a coil and if needed that is $150.00. These are most always 4 watt's. 4 watt coils cost $150.00. About 5% of clock problems has to do with the coil. To determine whether or not you need a coil, you can take a Multimeter or Volt/Ohm meter, these are less than $20.00 at any hardware store, and with no current on the motor, set the meter to Ohms and touch the two leads to the end of the wires or the posts where the wires connect and see if you get a reading. Just about any reading is a good one and if you can see the coil #, that represents the Ohm reading so if your coil is a # 60 coil then you should get about 60 or 600 ohms depending on the setting of the meter. Some have indicated to me a fear of the clock shorting out or becoming a fire hazard. If that's the case then purchase a power strip and only plug the clock into it. This way you have a fuse to stop an overload before it feeds back into your household or office wiring. Honestly, I have never heard of an electric clock causing a fire but putting in a power strip may ease some fears. For non Telechron "motored" clock, then the service would be for a clock motor and that can be handled as well, with motor rebuilding costing $250.00 with all else staying the same. I do accept the movement (mechanism) for electric Grandfather and Grandmother clocks but, most likely, you would need an expert to install it once it return to your located or the location of your clock person. Please be aware that both Telechron and Herschede used the "B-2" rotor initially. After a few years they both realized that the "B-2" did not have enough torque in order to last more that a few years or decades. First they tried increasing the wattage to 4 watts and eventually went to the "B-3" rotor. Therefore, I strongly suggest that your "B-2" rotor be replaced with a "B-3" rotor, as was done at the factory, especially if you send in a movement used in a Grandfather or Grandmother electric clock. Please be sure to double box the clock and insure it for at least $200. By double box I mean to pack the 1st and 2nd boxes as if you were going to ship each independent from the other one. Be sure to pack your clock well with minimal tape because when I unpack I try to save your packing material and a lot of packing tape prevents me from recycling. Please be sure to ask for 100% biodegradable packing peanuts or purchase them yourself. Please do NOT use shredded paper because it is extremely messy and drives me crazy. I use a 24" x 9" x 9" as the first box and then use a 28" X 12" x 12" box for the second. Eco Box is an on-line business in Texas that allows you to order as little as one box. So if you're having difficult securing the correct size boxes, then you have another resource. UPS sells boxes but you can Google to find someplace to buy boxes. In my opinion there is no best when it comes to a carrier. I use UPS for convince not because I believe they are the best. The best insurance is to double box and pack each box well, even if it means an oversize final box causing an increase in shipping price. If you're a busy type, then you can use a UPS store to ship it and have them pack it but I have seen them do lousy packing as well. The goal is to have nothing negative happen shipping both to me and back to you and why I do my own packing and always double box and always have some packing material surrounding the clock and surrounding the 1st box. A little more time and a little more expense will save the large headache of trying to find someone who will work on the clock and have someone remove the movement, bezel, face and chime block before the case is worked on. This will fall on you because the carrier will have me return it to them and then they inspect it before they ship it back to you. There is usually a saw-like 2 blade system in the clock to secure the chime rods for shipping. Open the back door or remove the back covering and they are usually found toward the left and near the end of the rods. They turn either clockwise or counter-clockwise and their job is to secure the rods so they don't rattle during shipping. They only have to touch and don't need to be "heavy" on the rods. Please be sure that this is engaged for safe shipping. If they are gone or not there then I use a piece of small bubbled bubble wrap and fold it over once or more and then weave it in and out of the chime rods. A one inch wide strip is all that is needed. If that proves too difficult, then fold the bubble wrap until it is thick enough to put a small amount of pressure on the chime rods when you lay it on the bottom of the case. Again this is slight pressure to keep the rods from rattling. This is easy to remove and prevents the chime rods of rattling during shipping and breaking. If one or more breaks then that adds $150.00 to install a set of tuned rods which has to be done because replacing only one or two rods throws the whole tune out of pitch. My turnaround is 6 to 8 weeks for motor service, 8 to 12 months if the clock is sent with the motor, or if the movement is overhauled. The movement will tell me if it needs work once the rotor rebuilding is finished and I always clean and lubricate the movement before testing starts, so as to eliminate dirt and a lack of lubrication from preventing the clock functioning properly. Your problem could also be the caused by wear in the movement (mechanism) from usage. About 15% of the time this is necessary and this would require an overhaul. An overhaul on chiming electrics is $700.00 plus $75.00 shipping. The movement overhaul does NOT include the rotor or coil, so that would be added to the cost of the overhaul and that would be the worse case scenario. I do my best to ascertain whether or not you need a movement overhaul upon initial examination. If I feel it does need to be overhauled, I contact you in case you want it returned with nothing being done. I charge $100.00 for my time and whatever the shipping happens to be either $50.00 or $75.00 depending on the size of your case. I realize this may all be confusing but I never do more than is needed and the clock always stays original, as sent to me, or I refuse the work. Here's a possible scenario if you send the entire clock: B2 or B3 or B13-rotor rebuilding $150.00 (A 2-year warranty) Labor for cleaning movement $150.00 (No warranty because it is cleaned and not overhauled) Shipping via UPS ground $75.00 Total $375.00 If you or the clock does not have its original rotor according to the back plate, which covers the back of the rotor, then I can supply the original rotor. As an example, the back plate will have something like "Mod. 59M31", or "Model M31", both mean the same thing, the original rotor was an M-31. If the rotor in your clock is NOT an M-31 and that's what you'd like then the "swap" would cost an additional $250.00 or $625.00 total. B-3-rotor rebuilding $150.00 (A 2-year warranty) Labor for cleaning movement $150.00 (No warranty because it is cleaned and not overhauled) My supplying the M-31 rotor $250.00 Shipping via UPS ground $75.00 Total $625.00 The reason for the very high "swap" price is because the M-31 is now the rarest rotor in the world and I have less than 10 in inventory. All aluminum "B-13" rotors are replacement rotors. Meaning that they were manufactured after your clock was made in order to save production costs on replacements. For an extra $150.00, I can replace your aluminum cased "B-13" rotor with an older nickel cased "B-3" rotor. The "B-3" has copper plates and will generally last 2 to 4 times longer then their aluminum counter parts ($525.00 total). This is by far the most popular choice. B-3-rotor rebuilding $150.00 (A 2-year warranty) Taking a "B-3" from inventory $150.00 Labor for cleaning movement $150.00 (No warranty because it is cleaned and not overhauled) Shipping via UPS ground $75.00 Total $525.00 If a coil is needed then add $150.00 to each of the above. This is rare. If the movement needs rebuilding then add $700.00 to each of the above. A movement overhaul is very rare. Some early (1920's) Herschede and Revere electrics had a rotor wound spring and working pendulum. These unique pieces cost $1,000.00 to overhaul the movement in the mantel clock and $1,250.00 for the grandfather/mother clock. These came in both Grandfather/mother cases as well as mantel clocks. All would have a place on the back plate to initially wind the movement with a flat head screwdriver. In general, all movements with 60 RPM rotors (aka 1 RPS) that need an overhaul would cost $1,000.00 plus return shipping. Since these are nearly 100 years old it would be a good idea to have the rotor overhauled as well, which is another $150.00. These need to be overhauled more than any other movements. Needing a overhaul is somewhat rare and depends how long the Revere has been in service. The earliest were made in the 1920's and many were sold in the 1930's to 1960's. So after 80+ years of running, the mechanism is probably on its last legs. But some just keep on going. What I'm trying to say is that the necessity of an overhaul is unknown until I test it. However, most 60 RPM rotor movements most likely will need overhauls because of their age, usage and repair attempts made by people who simply did not know what they were dealing with.
However, movement rebuilding on any Grandfather or Grandmother, adds $1,250.00 to each of the above. A movement overhaul is very rare. When you send the entire clock a new electric cord and plug is included, if needed, with the color choices of clear, black, white, or brown and in the length of your choice. If you open or remove the back door on your Herschede, Revere, or G.E. chiming clock, you will see an embossed number. This number is usually located at the lower right on the movement (mechanism). With this number you can look up the date of its manufacturer.
Now I do have a policy that allows for a "Rush" job. If you really want your electric clock moved to the very next project that I'll work on, it will cost you triple. I will contact you within a few days of it landing. I must first disassemble it in order to ascertain what it needs. Once done then everything triples except return shipping. In general your costs will go from $375.00 to $975.00 plus parts and those parts will also triple. I realize that this is outrageous but if I'm going to deal with all those in house customers that will have to wait longer because you need the project done as soon as possible then I must be compensated for that future aggravation. It may bring no additional work but we'll see what we'll see. Including the bench time and testing it should leave here in 3 weeks and 5 weeks on the outside but I'll need a check for that to happen. Please make it out to Mike Murray at P.O. Box # 562, Fossil, OR 97830 but wait until I have disassembled it and contact you via E-mail with an exact amount. I'll not proceed until the check lands or a Pay Pal payment is made which will be 3% higher. The only parts the an electric may need are a coil (now $450.00) of a set of chime rods (now $450.00). An example for a Rush job with you sending the entire clock is: (First the regular price) B-3 rotor rebuilding $150.00 (An "H" rotor is $100.00) (A 2-year warranty) Overhauling the movement $700.00 (A time only movement is $500.00) (A 2-year warranty) Shipping via UPS ground $75.00 (A time only will be around $30.00) Total $925.00 (A time only clock is $630.00) If the above becomes a Rush job, then (as an example): B-3 rotor rebuilding $450.00 (An "H" rotor is $300.00) (A 2-year warranty) Overhauling the movement $2,100.00 (A time only movement is $1,500.00) (A 2-year warranty) Shipping via UPS ground $75.00 (A time only will be around $30.00) Total $2,625.00 (A time only clock is $1,830.00) This is the most expensive example and assumes a movement overhaul which most don't need. All Rush jobs must be requested and when I receive a clock I assume it is a regular job and there will be no mention of a Rush job in all my E-mail contact with you.
All checks must be made out to Mike Murray because I gave up my business checking. Please do not send any money or check with the clock. However, if you are sending a Telechron rotor only, prepayment is always welcomed because of the relatively short turn around time. I would like payment by money order, certified check, personal check, business check, or through Pay Pal or Square, which is the only way I take credit cards. I do prefer a check over Pay Pal or Square because Pay Pal and Square take 4%. The 4% is added to the total bill if you use a credit card. With either Pay Pal or Square, I will send an invoice to your E-mail address. Here you are dealing directly with either service and not me. You do not have to be a member of Pay Pal or Square in order to issue a payment but the 4% will be added to your total bill. All of the added fees are exactly what either service charges me for taking your credit card.
Respectfully, Michael P. Murray Memberships Include: National Association of Watch & Clock Collectors An Internet private E-mailing list called Clocksmiths N.A.W.C.C. National 400-day Clock Chapter # 168 A service from, E-mail address: Mike Murray Founder of Clocksmiths A specialist in Atmos and 400-day clock repair. Also, I overhaul most plug in electric clocks. In continuous service since 04/01/1982. Mike's Clock Clinic Memberships: Clocksmiths & NAWCC P. O. Box 562 1151 D Street Fossil, OR 97830-0562 Phone: 541-370-2440 My main Web site is located at Main FTP site is located at Memberships: Clocksmiths; NAWCC N.A.W.C.C. International 400-day Clock Chapter # 168 Published in Chapter 168's "Torsion Times" Published in AWCI's "Horological Times" Formally AWCI's 400-day (Anniversary) clock Bench Course Instructor!