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Copyright © 1995-2024 Michael P. Murray & Mike's Clock Clinic
Mike Murray Memberships: NAWCC
P. O. Box 562
1151 D Street
Fossil, OR 97830-0562
The P.O. Box is for the USPS only and should be removed for all other carriers.
Phone: 541-370-2440
Please do NOT call or E-mail unless you have read this entire Web page
E-mail address: (Preferred contact method)
Sessions Older 2 threaded screws for installing Clock Motors
My business is rebuilding your original motor, when possible. In order to rebuild
(overhaul) your motor I need you to do at least one thing before you send in the motor. Please
take a Multimeter or Volt/Ohm meter, these are less than $20.00 at any hardware store, and
with no current on the motor, set the meter to Ohms and touch the two leads to the end
of the wires or the posts where the wires connect and see if you get a reading.
Just about any reading is a good one. The motor does not have to be running to
perform this test. But if you get no reading what-so-ever then the motor's coil is
dead and I cannot repair your motor. You should still send it in because I may have
an identical one in inventory that I can rebuild. It would be best if you E-mail me before
sending in a dead motor because I can check based on your picture if I have one.
The labor these motor overhauls cost $250.00 plus $20.00 priority mail (Canada is $45.00) and
has a 2-year warranty, which brings your total cost to $270.00. The internal coil
does short out over time and even if your motor passes the heat test, I cannot be
positive that your coil has the strength to do its job. Therefore with any original
motor I can only offer 1/2 ($125.00) refund should it fail during the 2-year warranty.
If I have another in stock, then I will offer to try another but that would be the end
of the warranty because I cannot offer a warranty in perpetuity these old motors.
I do not know of any substitute.
I must have the old motor. If your motor is dead then at least I'll have it
to match it to the one I'll use from inventory exactly. Using one from inventory
adds another $200.00 to the total and it to would have to be rebuild, so the time frames
would still be the same. So you'd be looking at $470.00 for a rebuild motor from; my inventory,
which includes the $20.00 shipping and handling.
I ONLY have counter-clockwise turning motors in my stock and all run a little hot.
That means that the internal coil has some shorts and because of that I'm modifying my
warranty policy for those motors coming from my inventory. I will stand behind them for
2-years BUT I will only replace them once in those 2-years. Being a questionable motor,
I'm not going to lock myself in for any more than that.
Please be aware that these were made directional specific. This means
that some will turn clockwise and some will turn counter-clockwise. I DO NOT
have a replacement for clockwise turning motors. Clockwise as you look at the top of
the motor as it is mounted in the clock. Here you're looking at the disc and it is facing
you. In general, the clockwise motors are the older motors from the late 20's to the early
40's. After that most, if not all, Sessions 2 threaded screws for installing motors
turn counter-clockwise.
To be clear, the drive gear will turn clockwise as you look at it and conversely the
rear disc will spin counter-clockwise when it faces you.
My turnaround is 6 to 8 weeks for motor service, 8 to 12 months if the clock is sent
with the motor, or if the movement is overhauled.
All motor only service requires prepayment made out to Mike Murray,
unless you don't mind waiting a year.
I no longer offer expedited service.
One thing you can do before you send in the motor is to take a Multimeter or
Volt/Ohm meter, these are less than $20.00 at any hardware store, and with no
current on the motor, set the meter to Ohms and touch the two leads to the end
of the wires and see if you get a reading.
Just about any reading is a good one. But if you get no reading what-so-ever
then the motor's coil is dead and I cannot repair your motor. You should still
send it in because I may have an identical one in inventory that I can rebuild.
I ONLY have counter clockwise turning motors in my stock.
If you get a reading, then plug it in for at least 24 hours and see how hot
the motor gets. If you can hold it with your fingers for 10 seconds without
being burned then the coil would be good enough to rebuilt the motor around it.
If you can't then it's not rebuildable because there are too many shorts in the coil
and the motor would not have enough torque to last or perhaps not run at all.
You can always have me clean and lubricate a motor that is
running too hot. The "catch" is that I will not warranty
nor guarantee it will work more that a few minutes and the
$250.00 will NOT be applicable to any future work even if it
is to replace that very same now non-working motor. Some have
taken this chance and it has worked out but that is a chance
that you will be taking if you go that route.
If you don't want to test it with current, then I'll be happy to and do that
right off when the motor is received, so you'll know what we're dealing with.
Please don't assume I have an identical motor in inventory. It is extremely
important you test the coil before you send the motor and please contact me before
you send a motor with a dead coil.
If I do use a motor from inventory, that increases your costs by $200.00. I no longer
have any complete fiber wheels (phenolic pinion) that some motors have. You'll have to
contact a Horological Wheel Specialist and see if he/she can make
and mount one after you do the continuity and heat test (described above).
One more possibility and that is your Sessions may be the newer model motor;
Sessions Clock Motor. Please see the link given to see the difference.
If you want to send in the clock for motor or rotor replacement, please be advised that
your costs will increase by $255.00 with everything else staying the same. The increase
covers the increase in return shipping and insurance and includes my labor charge of $150.00
for the replacement service. I can ship at that price for clocks up to 22" long ($475.00 total).
Overhaul Sessions clock motor $250.00 (A 2-year warranty)
Labor and cleaning of movement $150.00 (No warranty because it is cleaned and not overhauled)
Return shipping and handling $75.00
Total $475.00
The above assumes you ship the entire clock and does not include a warranty on the
movement (mechanism) because that may need to be overhauled as well. Most times the
movement does not need to be overhauled but if it did then you're looking at an
additional $500.00 for a possible total of $825.00, then the movement would have the
same 2-year warranty as the motor.
If your clock chimes, then the mechanical overhaul on the movement is $700.00 extra
and not the $500.00 as mentioned above. Sending the entire clock will require 1/2 payment
on the total estimate and we'll determine that before you send it.
All checks must be made out to Mike Murray because I gave up my business checking.
I'll not ship the motor until I received payment. I accept personal checks,
certified checks, or company checks for payment. Normally shipping takes place one
week or so after I receive payment and thanks! If you use a personal check then please
allow 10 days before shipping to allow the check to clear.
For return shipping I use USPS for all shipping. If you want
to use another carrier then you will have to arrange everything for shipping,
meaning I hand the box to the driver, get a receipt and nothing else. For shipping the
entire clock I use UPS ground
If, for any reason, I cannot rebuild your motor or I cannot salvage an
exact substitute, then I'll return your motor at no charge what-so-ever.
All checks must be made out to Mike Murray because I gave up my business checking.
I would like payment by, certified check, personal check, business check,
or through Pay Pal or Square, which is the only way I take credit cards. I
do prefer a check over Pay Pal or Square because Pay Pal and Square take 4%.
The 4% is added to the total bill if you use a credit card.
With either Pay Pal or Square, I will send an invoice to your E-mail
address. Here you are dealing directly with either service and not me.
You do not have to be a member of Pay Pal or Square in order to issue a payment but
the 4% will be added to your total bill.
All of the added fees are exactly what either service charges me for taking your
credit card.
My main Web site is located at
Main FTP site is located at
Michael P. Murray
Memberships Include:
National Association of Watch & Clock Collectors
An Internet private E-mailing list called Clocksmiths
N.A.W.C.C. National 400-day Clock Chapter # 168
A service from, E-mail address:
Mike Murray Founder of Clocksmiths
A specialist in Atmos and 400-day clock repair.
Also, I overhaul most plug in electric clocks.
In continuous service since 04/01/1982.
Mike's Clock Clinic Memberships: Clocksmiths & NAWCC
P. O. Box 562
1151 D Street
Fossil, OR 97830-0562
Phone: 541-370-2440
My main Web site is located at
Main FTP site is located at
Memberships: Clocksmiths; NAWCC
N.A.W.C.C. International 400-day Clock Chapter # 168
Published in Chapter 168's "Torsion Times"
Published in AWCI's "Horological Times"
Formally AWCI's 400-day (Anniversary) clock Bench Course Instructor!
Back to Mike's Clock Clinic's Telechron Web Page
Copyright © 1995-2024 Michael P. Murray & Mike's Clock Clinic
Created in December of 1995 and last updated January 02, 2024.