Copyright © 1995-2025 Michael P. Murray & Mike's Clock Clinic Mike Murray Memberships: NAWCC P. O. Box 562 1151 D Street Fossil, OR 97830-0562 The P.O. Box is for the USPS only and should be removed for all other carriers. Respectfully, Michael P. Murray Memberships Include: National Association of Watch & Clock Collectors An Internet private E-mailing list called Clocksmiths N.A.W.C.C. National 400-day Clock Chapter # 168 A service from, E-mail address: Mike Murray Founder of Clocksmiths A specialist in Atmos and 400-day clock repair. Also, I overhaul most plug in electric clocks. In continuous service since 04/01/1982. Mike's Clock Clinic Memberships: Clocksmiths & NAWCC P. O. Box 562 1151 D Street Fossil, OR 97830-0562 Phone: 541-370-2440 My main Web site is located at Main FTP site is located at Memberships: Clocksmiths & NAWCC N.A.W.C.C. International 400-day Clock Chapter # 168 Published in Chapter 168's "Torsion Times" Published in AWCI's "Horological Times" Formally AWCI's 400-day (Anniversary) clock Bench Course Instructor!Please do NOT call or E-mail unless you have read this entire Web page
E-mail address: (Preferred contact method)
Hammond Clock Motor (Rotor)
My business is rebuilding your original motor, when possible. All of these motors cost $250.00 plus $20.00 priority mail (Canada is $45.00) and has a 2-year warranty, which brings your total cost to $270.00. I must have the old motor. If your motor is dead then at least I'll have it to match it to the one I'll use from inventory exactly. Using one from inventory adds $100.00 to the total and it to would have to be rebuild, so the time frames would still be the same. For a total of $370.00 if I use and rebuild one from my inventory and that includes the $20.00 shipping and handling. I do not know of any substitute. In addition to the picture above, these motors are identified by their 15 tooth brass pinion (gear). Hammond produced clocks from 1928 to 1941. My turnaround is 6 to 8 weeks for motor service, 8 to 12 months if the clock is sent with the motor, or if the movement is overhauled. Please see Postal Telegraph Clock for their costs. All motor only service requires prepayment made out to Mike Murray, unless you don't mind waiting a year. If a movement overhaul is needed it is $500.00 plus shipping. If needed, I do have a supply of the phenolic resin wheels which do break over time. This is the internal wheel you turn when you start the clock. This would add another $100.00 to the job. These wheels are not sold separately. If you want to send in the clock for motor or rotor replacement, please be advised that your costs will increase by $160.00 with everything else staying the same. The increase covers the increase in return shipping and insurance and includes my labor charge of $150.00 for the replacement service. I can ship at that price for clocks up to 22" long ($460.00 total). If needed, I do have a supply of the phenolic resin wheels which do break over time. This is the internal wheel you turn when you start the clock. This would add another $100.00 to the job. These are hardy wheels and I can't be sure if breakage is from abuse or age. I've seen many and I can't say age contributes to breakage but I do soak these in fully synthetic oil to minimize breakage in the future. These wheels are not sold separately. Overhaul Hammond clock motor $250.00 (A 2-year warranty) Labor and cleaning of movement $150.00 (No warranty because this is not an overhaul) Return shipping and handling $60.00 Total $460.00 The above assumes you ship the entire clock and does not include a warranty on the movement (mechanism) because that may need to be overhauled as well. Most times the movement does not need to be overhauled but if it did then you're looking at an additional $500.00 for a possible total of $810.00, then the movement would have the same 2-year warranty as the motor. The $150.00 for labor and cleaning is dropped because it would be redundant. I'll not ship the motor until I received payment. I accept personal checks, certified checks, or company checks for payment but repeat customers may use personal checks. Normally shipping takes place one week or so after I receive payment and thanks! If you use a personal check then please allow 10 days before shipping to allow the check to clear.
One thing you can do before you send in the motor is to take a Multimeter or Volt/Ohm meter, these are less than $20.00 at any hardware store, and with no current on the motor, set the meter to Ohms and touch the two leads to the end of the wires and see if you get a reading. Just about any reading is a good one and lower the better. But if you get no reading what-so-ever then the motor's coil is dead and you will need a coil as well. I do NOT sell these coils separately but do as part of a motor overhaul they are $150.00 each but do sell # 60 or # 14 Telechron coil for the same $150.00 plus shipping.
Hammond clock’s with movements without any motor.
Many Hammond’s were made with a movement that did not have a motor (as pictured directly above) and used a coil to generate an eletro-magnetic field that would drive an internal disk. This is considered a (Time Only) movement and an overhaul on a time only electric is $500.00 plus $30.00 shipping, $530.00 total, assuming you send in only the movement. The movement overhaul does NOT include the coil ($150.00), so that would be added to the cost of the overhaul, if needed. These must be completely mechanically overhauled ($530.00) because of no motor to address. If this is what you have and you send it in with the entire clock then it’s the same as above with shipping increasing to $150.00 in order to cover the additional labor and shipping costs ($650.00). My turnaround is 8 to 12 months for both services when either the clock is sent with the motor/rotor, or if the movement is overhauled. If the movement is to be overhauled then add $500.00 extra. This applies to those movements with a motor and the motor is overhauled first yet the movement failed. The confusion is that the picture above is the back of the clock and Hammond’s with the Hammond motor look identical. It is not until the backing is removed and any movement outer covering removed until we know if it has a motor or not. I can and do service both and if you’re sending the entire clock, then it’s my problem and not yours. You can send a picture of the back and sometimes I can tell if it has a motor or not to:
Another possibility is that an older Sessions that two electrical "motors" from one power source.Here the bottom motor can be an electro-magnetically driven rotor, a Sessions motor, a Telechron rotor, or a Hammond motor (pictured). The upper motor usually drives the chimes or strike and is usually an electro-magnetically driven rotor. I have worked on every variation and can service the movement or just the Hammond "motor". I use quotes because Hammond calls it a motor but it is in fact a rotor (semantics).
Now I do have a policy that allows for a "Rush" job. If you really want your Hammond clock moved to the very next project that I'll work on, it will cost you triple. I will contact you within a few days of it landing. I must first disassemble it in order to ascertain what it needs. Once done then everything triples except return shipping. In general your costs will go from $650.00 to $1,650.00 plus parts and those parts will also triple. I realize that this is outrageous but if I'm going to deal with all those in house customers that will have to wait longer because you need the project done as soon as possible then I must be compensated for that future aggravation. It may bring no additional work but we'll see what we'll see. Including the bench time and testing it should leave here in 4 weeks and 6 weeks on the outside but I'll need a check for that to happen. Please make it out to Mike Murray at P.O. Box # 562, Fossil, OR 97830 but wait until I have disassembled it and contact you via E-mail with an exact amount. I'll not proceed until the check lands or a Pay Pal payment is made which will be 4% higher to cover what they charge me.
Overhaul Hammond wall clock $500.00 (A 2-year warranty) Return shipping and handling $150.00 (Shipping varies depending on size) Total $650.00 (If it were a rush then add $1,000.00 or $1,650.00) There will be variations but suffice it to say that if you what rush then my labor and any needed parts triple.
The pictures above are the back of the first movement used in the Postal Telegraph along with the back cover. I DO NOT work on these but do work on all that were made after that because they contained either a clock motor or a magnetically driven disk. The above was only used in the first production in the late 1920’s and all others have a motor or disk and were make in the 1930’s. Hammond produced clocks from 1928 to 1941. Also this clock will say bichronous, which means that it has an auxiliary system with a mainspring that is suppose to "take over" once the power is off. Some of these have the type of mechanism that has leaf spring limiters to regulate the time when the current is on and I do not work on these. If you or a local clock shop can take the back cover off and send a picture of what's underneath, then I can tell you if I work on it or not. The word bichronous can be on the front or back or both. Even with that word, I may still be able to work on it but need that picture to be sure. I most definitely work on any Postal Telegraph that has synchronous anywhere on the clock or dial.
If the clock states synchronous anywhere then I can definitely work on it.
For return shipping I use USPS for all shipping. If you want to use another carrier then you will have to arrange everything for shipping, meaning I hand the box to the driver, get a receipt and nothing else.
If, for any reason, I cannot rebuild your motor or I cannot salvage an exact substitute, then I'll return your motor at no charge what-so-ever.
Please do not send any money or check with the clock. However, if you are sending a Hammond motor only, prepayment is always welcomed because of the relatively short turn around time. All checks must be made out to Mike Murray because I gave up my business checking. I would like payment by, certified check, personal check, business check, or through Pay Pal or Square, which is the only way I take credit cards. I do prefer a check over Pay Pal or Square because Pay Pal and Square take 4%. The 4% is added to the total bill if you use a credit card. With either Pay Pal or Square, I will send an invoice to your E-mail address. Here you are dealing directly with either service and not me. You do not have to be a member of Pay Pal or Square in order to issue a payment but the 4% will be added to your total bill. All of the added fees are exactly what either service charges me for taking your credit card.
You should realize that a Telechron coil will effectively replace the Hammond coil, if the need should arise, with the same wattage considerations. A # 60 or # 14 Telechron coil work well and I do sell those for $150.00 plus shipping.
My main Web site is located at Main FTP site is located at